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Chinese New Year Chow Down

Earlier this week you found out that one great thing to eat for Chinese New Year is long noodles. That’s because long noodles symbolize long life. I know you knew that. And I promised you that if you weren’t so kitchen savvy, that I’d help you out this week. I’m not backing down on my promise. I’ve…

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Do you love where you plant your feet?

Today is Earth Day, a very important day. We tend to forget what this beautiful ecosystem provides to us, only momentarily remembering global ecology when it hails in May. On this day, let’s focus our energy on giving back to Mother Earth. On the spiritual plane, if you have a meditation, yoga or other intentional…

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Chinese Lantern Festival

If you have nothing planned this weekend, go check out Lantern Festival in Flushing, Queens this Sunday. Unfortunately I’m not available but it promises to be a beautiful and time worthy event. Start your Chinese New Year off right. Vive Year of the Snake!

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Bridging the Divide

Have you gone out to vote yet? I voted this morning and I have a wonderful ritual on Election day –  a silent and peaceful walk to and from my voting location having the utmost gratitude that I am free from harm and have choices and have my voice heard. I always forget that wonderful…

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Better than morning coffee

I was having a harried morning before a Feng Shui consultation today. Things were not moving along smoothly and there seemed to be a hiccup at every turn and it was only 8am! Having gone through my ritualistic preparation before leaving my home, I brought my attention to my immediate surroundings. Most Feng Shui practitioners know…

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New opportunities for Queens?

There are five boroughs in New York and they all have their distinct styles and character. I happen to live in Queens, the borough that is on the other side the 59th Street Bridge. We get our share of abuse from Manhattan and Brooklynites alike but I feel it’s a really hidden gem of a…

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Dreaming of Spring Gardening

Doesn’t this just make you want to dig your hands into the dirt??  photo: gardeninggarden.com I know it snowed today but that hasn’t stopped me thinking about planting my garden. It’s a way for me to get back in touch with my source while doing what I love most – getting my hands dirty. This…

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Waste Not, Want Not

I kid you not, I water the plants with my leftover water! We’re thinking of renovating our bathroom. Could be a fun project…or not. I mean there are important things to consider – tiles and hardware and paint color right? But we’ve found ourselves at a standstill over other things. It’s not even about the…

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