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Simplicity is the Answer

Damn, it’s mid April already. Have you been feeling that way? Yup, Spring is here. Everything is sprouting all around us, energizing us and in Feng Shui, it’s the time for New Beginnings. But do you feel overwhelmed sometimes always feeling like you have to constantly be on point, doing this and that, just trying…

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Saying Goodbye

I was standing at the edge of this cliff, wondering if I would jump. It happened at the Azure window (the Blue window), which is on the island of Gozo, right off the beautiful island of Malta. Many people have jumped illegally from this location (disclaimer: I am NOT promoting this behavior but ONLY using…

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Waking Up Can Feel So Bad, Yet SO Good

Mid-Life Crisis.  Healing Crisis.  Sacred Shift. Call it what you will, but whatever you call it, believe me, it’s powerful, ahem, stuff. I recently experienced it. Like big time. And I’d like to tell you about it. Don’t worry, it all gets related back to Feng Shui. But honestly, what in life doesn’t? As a…

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Change Your Life

Summers are awesome but let me tell you, I’ve been a bit resentful that I have not had the summer that I have wanted. Most people I know have been going to the beach, traipsing off to awesome vacation destinations or just taking time to enjoy the beautiful weather. Well, I have been just working.I…

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But There You Are

Last month’s newsletter was about cranking up your Fame and Reputation area of your space and life. Although it may sound like something that everyone would naturally want to do, I heard back from some people who were a bit hesitant to step out and be seen. Is that possible you ask? You better believe…

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Start Living a Life of No Regrets

If you were on your deathbed today, what would be the number one thing you wished you had done in your life?I know, not a super cheery way to start a post, but I wanted to get your attention!Many of us wait for “later” or “one day” to do the things that we really want…

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Traditional Chinese New Year Prep

We are officially 6 days away from Chinese New Year. Since today is Friday the 13th, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about rituals to help prepare for Chinese New Year. It’s not that I’m superstitious, but there’s lots that goes into preparing for Chinese New Year if you are a “real” Chinese person….

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Taking Advantage of the Winter Season

Winter is officially here. During the arctic dip, I tend to want to hibernate and sip hot chocolate near a fireplace, leaving home chores to warmer, springier months. Totally normal.

But there’s a secret I want to share with you.

It is possible to work on Feng Shui home improvement even when it’s cold outside.

That’s because every season in Feng Shui has its advantages.

In Feng Shui, we honor and incorporate seasons into energetic evaluations. That’s because Feng Shui is all about mimicking the perfection of Nature and what could be more natural than the 4 Seasons?

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