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HUGE Announcement – Feng Shui Real Estate is Here!

Whoa, what a Spring huh? Everything moved superrrr slowly than – boom. Everything started changing fast and furiously. You know what they say, “the only thing that is constant is change.” At Feng Shui Creative, things are changing in a HUGE way as well, and I would like to announce our biggest change: In addition to…

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Chinese Metaphysics is a little like going to the doctor. You have something that’s bugging you and you go to a professional looking for ways to feel better. In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools and are used quite often which is why I sometimes joke that you can hang a mirror and call me…

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2016 New Years Ritual

It’s that time of year again! The new year ritual below is so powerful and effective, I will be offering it for the start of each new year. The steps are below and I would love if you would share your ritual experience in the comments below and/or if you customized it in any way. Wishing you…

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A Simple Spring Makeover

Geez Spring, took your time, huh? It’s finally here and it’s time to take action, to take advantage of the “new beginning” energy of Spring! Clearing out that “stuff” that clogs your external and internal world will allow fresher and better things into your life. And who doesn’t want that? Watch my video below for…

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Double Your Personal Success With Mirrors

So here’s the thing you need to know about mirrors. Mirrors are a BIG DEAL. Compared to what aspirin is to doctors, in Feng Shui, mirrors are sometimes considered the cure-all used as simple remedies for many things. But it’s much more profound than that.
The mirrors in your home are a mirror of your life. Let that sit with you a minute.

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Oh Sunlight, Where Art Thou?

Some of you are beginning to get a bit freaked out that the sun is starting to set at 7:30pm.No more summer cocktails on the patio or fresh-air activities with the kids after work. This darkness makes us want to make a beeline to our caves (a.k.a beautifully Feng Shui-ed homes).I actually didn’t even pay any attention to this seasonal…

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Used, Inherited or Saturated Objects

It’s officially Autumn and we naturally want to spend more time indoors, feeling the need to nest and finally getting those pesky home projects started. That means it may be time to decide what to do with that stuff that’s piling up – like the sad doggie painting that was a gift from Aunt Sally or the antique lamp you inherited…

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Dude, where’s the Sofa?

I live in New York City. Aside from Japan where I hear people get help squashing into subway cars and slumber in sleep pods, I think we may be the city with the least amount of square footage per person. Due to this space challenge, many feel that they would like to follow my suggestions of putting their desk or…

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