The Feng Shui formula for love and relationships
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The Feng Shui formula for love and relationships

Whether you’re all in on Valentine’s Day or totally over it, one thing’s for sure – love is a big deal. Besides creating more abundance, love is the topic most people ask me about. And in Feng Shui, love isn’t just about romance. It’s about every relationship in your life, including and especially, the one…

Welcome Wood Snake! Feng Shui in action
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Welcome Wood Snake! Feng Shui in action

This week, I’m sharing something a little different – something more personal. As a Feng Shui consultant, I don’t just teach energy flow – I live it every day. And with the Year of the Snake bringing transformation and deep renewal, I wanted to take you along for a glimpse into my own self-care and…

3 Feng Shui Tips for Dry January
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3 Feng Shui Tips for Dry January

This past week has been filled with eating, dancing, snoozing, cooking, and cozying up by the fireplace with the furriest cat. Sounds dreamy, right? I even found myself marveling at the incredible selection of wine and rosé in the local supermarket. Life is definitely sweet in Europe! But now, let’s talk about something many of…

Goodbye 2024 and Hellooo 2025!
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Goodbye 2024 and Hellooo 2025!

In honor of my much-needed end-of-year rest and rejuvenation, I’m offering my annual end-of-year Feng Shui ritual with you. Think of it like a re-run of a really good Seinfeld episode. Even the most dedicated among us need a little downtime, right? 😊 Here’s the best part: this ritual is timeless. Just update the dates…

Calm the Chaos in Just 5 Minutes (meditation)
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Calm the Chaos in Just 5 Minutes (meditation)

Last week, I found myself squished like a sardine on the Paris metro. Every time the doors opened, more people were piling in, and I swear each time it happened, the entire car let out a collective internal “​putain​” (excuse my French!). My arms were pinned to my sides, the holiday shopping bags at my…

You can declutter for the Holidays (3 Tips)
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You can declutter for the Holidays (3 Tips)

It’s official – the holidays are here, and you’re probably already making your holiday list of things to buy for your loved ones – and maybe sneaking in a few treats for yourself because, let’s be honest, who can bypass all these amazing Black Friday sales? But let’s take a sec. If your days are…

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What you Need To Know for Year of the Metal Rat 2020

Chinese New Year is early this year, beginning this Saturday, Jan 25th and is the year of the Metal Rat. Since the Rat in Chinese Astrology is the first animal of the 12 animal zodiac cycle, our thoughts and actions this year must be very intentional since it’s setting the tone for the next 12…

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