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Putting More Yin into Your Yang

  Happy New Year! It’s January and New Year’s Resolutions are on everyone’s minds. We all want to get things done – get organized, eat better, start working out, find that new job! In Feng Shui, we have the concept of YIN and YANG. You’ve seen it, the symbol? Many people think Yin/Yang are opposites…

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Introducing – Our Feng Shui Mala Collection!

We did it! After months (or years really) of vision and hard work, we launched our collection of Feng Shui inspired malas (prayer beads) TODAY and we want you to be the first to hear about it! I created AmĂ  Body Soul as a beautiful product extension of my work as a certified Feng Shui…

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Feng Shui for the Jetsetter

Boy the summer has flown by too fast for my taste. If you haven’t noticed (but I hope you have), I’ve been a bit quiet on this end. Mostly because I’ve been travelling – Paris, China, California, Scotland – you name it, I’ve been there this year. Some trips were impromptu but I should have…

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Simplicity is the Answer

Damn, it’s mid April already. Have you been feeling that way? Yup, Spring is here. Everything is sprouting all around us, energizing us and in Feng Shui, it’s the time for New Beginnings. But do you feel overwhelmed sometimes always feeling like you have to constantly be on point, doing this and that, just trying…

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Love is Still in the Air

Just because Valentine’s day is over doesn’t mean that Love is no longer in the air. Not to sound trite or cheesy, but Love really is what makes the world go round. I’m also not just talking about Romantic Love. Love also means with family, friends and the most important, Self-Love. All very necessary in…

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Chinese Metaphysics is a little like going to the doctor. You have something that’s bugging you and you go to a professional looking for ways to feel better. In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools and are used quite often which is why I sometimes joke that you can hang a mirror and call me…

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Chinese New Year Gift to You!

Gung Hay Fat Choi! Today we moved into the Fire Rooster. There will be lots and lots of action this year. Mark my words. The Rooster is a plucky fellow. As my new year’s gift to you – so you can ease as smoothly into the Rooster year as possible – I am extending the early bird rate…

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New Years Ritual

How good can you stand it? It’s that time of year again! The new year ritual below is so powerful and effective, I will be offering it for the start of each new year. The steps are below and I would love if you would share your ritual experience in the comments below and/or if you customized…

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Preparing for the New Year – Part 1

This time of year, we are all thinking about what’s next for us come January. In Feng Shui, we believe that you can attract in everything you want, but first, you must create the space for these yummy things to come in. Creating space may mean letting go of both material and emotional things that…

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