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2016 New Years Ritual

It’s that time of year again! The new year ritual below is so powerful and effective, I will be offering it for the start of each new year. The steps are below and I would love if you would share your ritual experience in the comments below and/or if you customized it in any way. Wishing you…

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No smoking please

It may be a strange thing to be talking about smoke alarms on the eve of Thanksgiving. Or maybe not. When I saw this product in a magazine recently, I was intrigued by its beauty but thought to myself, “Ok, but does it really work?” When I visited the Nest website and watched this video,…

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A Stellar Recycling Program

I wanted to share some beautiful images I came across this weekend. Yes, they are discarded cds, ingeniously transformed into an ocean of beauty and magic by architect ClĂ©mence Eliard and artist Elise Morin. Let’s not overlook the fact that the locale is a former public morgue in Paris. Talk about changing the qi of…

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Light up My Life

I love this time of year. Who doesn’t love ambient stringed lights and a reason to stay indoors and eat warm comfort food? I fondly remember the glow of Christmas lights that hung in my apartment year round when I was well into my late 20s. Ok maybe it was even a little later. Unfortunately…

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Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fashion 2.0

On Wednesday evening, a dear and talented friend of mine, Carmen Artigas moderated a wonderful event on the Future of Sustainable Fashion hosted by Be Social Change. The event took place at Coco-Mat, a new SoHo retailer who specializes in natural sleep products (another passion of mine!). Feng Shui wise, the space was beautiful, spacious…

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Bridging the Divide

Have you gone out to vote yet? I voted this morning and I have a wonderful ritual on Election day –  a silent and peaceful walk to and from my voting location having the utmost gratitude that I am free from harm and have choices and have my voice heard. I always forget that wonderful…

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Do you hear what I hear?

When I’m walking the streets of New York or riding our lovely subway system, I am always floored by how many people are on their gadgets. Iphones, kindles, nooks, ipads etc. I understand, commuting is a bore. But what stood out to me even more is what many of them were wearing on their heads…

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I’ll take the Low Line

What a coincidence that I reported on our visit to the Highline last week and this past week, mentions about a new Low Line is in the media. Better know as the Delancey Underground, this new New York environmental project that takes over an abandoned trolley on the lower east side of Manhattan. It would…

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Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t a bear?

Get out! It’s at your local Container Store! Who wouldn’t love this fun cleaning accessory? Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore anymore but a way to get your chi pick-me-up every morning. And not to mention that your smartphone and keyboard will remain crumb free. I love it.

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