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3 Steps to Create Space for 2018

OMG it’s already December! Not to panic. It’s the perfect time to make space in your life for new and awesome things to come in 2018! In Feng Shui, letting go both physically and energetically of things that no longer serve you creates room for yummy things to come in đŸ™‚ And the best way we…

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Chinese Metaphysics is a little like going to the doctor. You have something that’s bugging you and you go to a professional looking for ways to feel better. In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools and are used quite often which is why I sometimes joke that you can hang a mirror and call me…

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Oh Sunlight, Where Art Thou?

Some of you are beginning to get a bit freaked out that the sun is starting to set at 7:30pm.No more summer cocktails on the patio or fresh-air activities with the kids after work. This darkness makes us want to make a beeline to our caves (a.k.a beautifully Feng Shui-ed homes).I actually didn’t even pay any attention to this seasonal…

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Finding the Comfort in Discomfort

  Folks, the Summer is coming to an end. The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere falls on September 23rd and many people find the seasonal shift from warm to cooler weather to be very challenging. Days are shorter, flowers and trees lose their colorful vibrancy and you need to start piling on more layers. This change of season is…

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Activating your Career Path

There are no jobs out there. Nobody is hiring. The economy is really bad. I feel sorry for recent graduates or anyone looking for a job. I’m lucky to have the job I have, so why would I look anywhere else? Here’s what I say to all of this chatter: Bull-crap. (sorry for my French,…

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AirBnB Feng Shui

Your ticket is booked and you’re all packed. Last week, we discussed how to incorporate Feng Shui when you’re a traveling’ fool. Now you’re ready to rent your place because your space is awesome, it has kick-butt Feng Shui and a natural je ne sais quoi. Why wouldn’t you want to share it with lucky guests who want to feel at home in your hometown?…

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Jazzing up the Feng Shui Scene

Quite often, I get prospects who come to me freaking out about the Feng Shui of their spaces. “Omg, I’m in big trouble. My bedroom is (fill adjective in here), my stuff is (fill your personal word here), and my door is facing (noun here) and I know it’s bad. Really baaaad.”Let me tell you, I usually…

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Time for Some Bright Ideas

On a recent visit to The Container Store (yup Feng Shui consultants need to organize their stuff too), one of the employees struck up a pleasant conversation. I’ve changed her name to Linda for storytelling purposes. I encourage you to read the post to the end to find out the importance of cultivating your personal knowledge today. Me:…

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Moving into Your New Space

The papers are signed, the movers are scheduled and now it’s Mama’s (or Papa’s) Movin’ In Day! No need to hyperventilate, the worst is behind you. This is the fun part and it’s all about setting your intention and getting close and personal with the space that will support and nourish you for many months and years…

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