Delancey Underground
I feel like I'm in the Jetsons! image: raad studio

What a coincidence that I reported on our visit to the Highline last week and this past week, mentions about a new Low Line is in the media. Better know as the Delancey Underground, this new New York environmental project that takes over an abandoned trolley on the lower east side of Manhattan. It would consist of windy pathways, greenery and even a skylight. The idea is just in its infant stage but it sounds really exciting already. Remember the early days of the Highline revival? Although there were tons of naysayers, it was a great idea that gave back to the city.

Underground Utopia image: raad studio

It seems like a beautiful idea, giving NY some very need “green” space. I think it’s wonderful that we are stretching the limits of our imagination and thinking outside the box. Crowding is everywhere so why not look both up and down when seeking solutions? What’s your opinion?

Read more about it here.

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