Being seen is the most beautiful feeling in the world.
Being seen exactly as you are can be one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. image: elephant journal

I’m just like you.

I am scared to do certain things.

On this particular day, I was so nervous that my hands were cold and clammy.

I didn’t know what to expect and even though I had prepared, I was still feeling the butterflies.

I mean, this place is an institution in New York City.

Yet here I stood, petrified.

Last month, I co-taught a Feng Shui class at The New York Open Center and it was an all day event. Like 8 hours.

It was a big deal. I was co-teaching the class with Barry Gordon, not only my professor from my 3 year certification program, but one of the leading Feng Shui experts in the USA.

Besides being petrified, I also felt exposed, seen, and strangely… exhilarated.

Many people are usually surprised when I say that it’s not easy for me to be visible since I seem to be a very easy-going extrovert.

But I’m just like you.

I hide parts of myself for the same reasons you do. I am scared to be judged. I’m scared that I am not good enough. I am scared that I’ll screw up. I’m scared to show you these parts of myself because then you may not like me.


But this is why I do the work that I do.

I am fully and wholly dedicated to not hiding and to creating an authentic life where I can can be truly myself, to be seen and heard, flaws and all.

I am fully and wholly dedicated to help people like yourself come out of hiding so you can finally, fully and wholly be yourself and been seen, heard and loved, exactly how you are.

Well that exhilaration that was talking about, was the biggest surprise to me. Although I didn’t feel it until about 30 minutes into the class, I realized that that was my prize for facing one of my biggest fears and doing it anyway.


So what part of YOU are you hiding?

What part of you craves to be seen but at the same time is raw, vulnerable, scared?

If it’s not obvious to you where you are hiding, maybe these things can help jog your memory:

  • Is there a script, half-written book, or artwork that is hidden away in storage, a drawer or deep inside a closet that has been “forgotten” there?
  • Do you watch tv and think, I’m just as funny? (closet stand-up comic?)
  • Do you know alot about a topic but don’t dare talk about it as to not come off as snobby?
  • Do you have a desire to take a class – dancing, learning a new language, adult education – but are too worried about what others may think or say “you don’t have enough time?”
  • Are you in a job where you feel you can move up but are too scared to take the first step?
  • Are you in a relationship and are not able to share the deepest, most vulnerable parts of yourself or can’t even find the words?

Well then, I think we may have found where you are hiding!

Life is too short. Here today, gone tomorrow. (Cliché, I know. But oh so true)

I beg you to dance in your vulnerability.

I encourage you to first, be aware that you are hiding. Secondly, take this one Feng Shui step to make yourself more visible and put your energy out there into the world.

The “HELL YES!” I WANT TO BE VISIBLE Feng Shui Remedy of the Day:

1) Find your RECOGNITION / FAME / REPUTATION section of your bedroom or office (use bagua below to help you)

We use your bedroom because this is the most important part of your home and the place to get the most powerful, and fastest, results. Office is great too!

2) In this area, place something representative of the quality / thing you would like to be seen or known for (like the subtle change in language? Psst – you are no longer hiding!)

If you want to be known for the book you are writing, you can display your tentative book title in this area. If it’s a new language class you’re undertaking, place the workbooks here so you can see them. If you would like to share your feelings more openly, you can place flowers in this area and set the intention that the lovely fragrance will infuse your relationship with beauty, grace and ease.

The goal is that each time you see this area, you are activating this intention and bringing energy to it, and are ultimately inspired to be VISIBLE.

Align the bottom of this chart with the door of the room to find your RECOGNITION area. Image: Feng Shui Creative

The good news is after my teaching debut at The New York Open Center, I was inspired to continue teaching. I have some classes lined up to teach in the Fall, so stay tuned!

Your turn!

Where do you want to stop hiding? What do you want to be seen or known for?

Our biggest gift in this world is to be seen, heard and understood. If you can get over the fear of rejection and judgment and allow yourself to be visible, I promise that another world will open up to you and your life will begin to unfold in ways that you could never have imagined.

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