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Love is Still in the Air

Just because Valentine’s day is over doesn’t mean that Love is no longer in the air. Not to sound trite or cheesy, but Love really is what makes the world go round. I’m also not just talking about Romantic Love. Love also means with family, friends and the most important, Self-Love. All very necessary in…

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Chinese Metaphysics is a little like going to the doctor. You have something that’s bugging you and you go to a professional looking for ways to feel better. In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools and are used quite often which is why I sometimes joke that you can hang a mirror and call me…

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The ABCs of a Child’s Bedroom

Sometimes, my brain just..shuts off. I love writing on my blog and sharing Feng Shui knowledge with you, but I sometimes don’t have the brain cells to write (grammatical case in point here). A recent project had me delivering a certain idea just through images. I LOVED this project. It was so fun, it made my…

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I See You Hiding

If you can get over the fear of rejection and judgment and allow yourself to be visible, I promise that another world will open up to you and your life will begin to unfold in ways that you could never have imagined.

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Feeling Like a Scatterbrain?

Oh boy what a week I had last week. Besides almost every important planet being in retrograde (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto), it seems like all my projects either sped up or came to a screeching halt last week. Things that usually worked like a charm like Google decided to go haywire. Yes, Google!…

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2016 New Years Ritual

It’s that time of year again! The new year ritual below is so powerful and effective, I will be offering it for the start of each new year. The steps are below and I would love if you would share your ritual experience in the comments below and/or if you customized it in any way. Wishing you…

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Saying Goodbye

I was standing at the edge of this cliff, wondering if I would jump. It happened at the Azure window (the Blue window), which is on the island of Gozo, right off the beautiful island of Malta. Many people have jumped illegally from this location (disclaimer: I am NOT promoting this behavior but ONLY using…

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Get Some this Summer!

Summertime… It’s hot and muggy in NYC and it’s the perfect time to crank up the heat. Why now? Because in Feng Shui, the Summer season represents Fame and Reputation. In laymen’s terms, this means that you can easily power up the area of your home that supports the things you want to be seen…

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Taking Advantage of the Winter Season

Winter is officially here. During the arctic dip, I tend to want to hibernate and sip hot chocolate near a fireplace, leaving home chores to warmer, springier months. Totally normal.

But there’s a secret I want to share with you.

It is possible to work on Feng Shui home improvement even when it’s cold outside.

That’s because every season in Feng Shui has its advantages.

In Feng Shui, we honor and incorporate seasons into energetic evaluations. That’s because Feng Shui is all about mimicking the perfection of Nature and what could be more natural than the 4 Seasons?

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Activating your Career Path

There are no jobs out there. Nobody is hiring. The economy is really bad. I feel sorry for recent graduates or anyone looking for a job. I’m lucky to have the job I have, so why would I look anywhere else? Here’s what I say to all of this chatter: Bull-crap. (sorry for my French,…

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