This could be your 2017! Image: Mary Elizabeth via Youtube

The power of visualization is a very powerful mind exercise according to Psychology Today and used often by top Olympic athletes. A vision board assists in successfully manifesting what you desire and helping you FEEL the life you want.

Preparation is everything.

Now is the time to set your focus on what you want to create for 2017.

I created a vision board in December 2016 and the only thing from my board that did not manifest was sleeping in a tree house! 

Making a vision board reminds and empowers the energy of areas of your life including: relationships, career, finances, home, travel, personal growth (spirituality, social life, education) and health.

In this New Year, New Vision workshop you will:

  • Become clear about what you are intentionally creating for yourself and your life in 2017
  • Learn how to become laser focused in setting the stage for what you are creating
  • Use Feng Shui techniques to empower your vision board
  • Find ways to tap into the hidden power of your intention
  • Have fun (which is what is needed in manifesting) and meet like minded-people who are on the same vibration
  • Create a powerful vision board that you will take home with you!

This January, join me in for a vision boarding workshop like no other. Creative, fun and powerful.

Saturday, January 7th  10am – 12:30pm

Saturday, January 14th  10am – 12:30pm

Saturday, January 21st  10am – 12:30pm

Class spaces are limited so reserve your spot today!


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