It’s pretty easy to take a weekend to organize and clean up your home. But when was the last time you took a weekend to clean up your INNER home? 

I’m talking about taking a look at why you’ve been feeling so anxious lately, why you haven’t been sleeping well, why you’re having digestion issues, why anger flares up, why you have no energy, or why you’re not motivated to do anything except watch Netflix on the couch. 

No judgment!

As humans, we’re naturally inclined to seek answers outside of ourselves. But did you know that your internal world is reflecting and shaping everything around you in your external environment? 

The connection between your inner and outer worlds is undeniable. When you feel great and energized, it’s easy – dare I even say, enjoyable – to clean up your home and get organized. The opposite is also true – when your energy is low and you’re feeling down, it’s easy to let the dishes pile up and ignore projects on your to-do list. See the connection? 

In my practice of Feng Shui, we always start with your inner world because that’s what is creating your outer reality. Until we understand what’s happening inside, we can’t achieve lasting changes in your external environment – whether it’s your home, work situation, goals, relationships or any aspect of your life.

Here are 3 Feng Shui tips 3 Tips to Speed up Feng Shui Results:

  1. Declutter Your Mind – Just like decluttering your physical space, it’s crucial to declutter your mind. Start by practicing mindfulness or meditation. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath and letting go of any thoughts that arise. This mental decluttering helps you feel more centered and calm, translating to a more organized and harmonious external space. Think of it as a mental spring cleaning, minus the dust bunnies!

  2. Set Intentions and Affirmations – Your thoughts are powerful tools for creating your reality. Each morning, set positive intentions for your day and repeat affirmations that resonate with you. For example, “I am surrounded by love and abundance,” or “I create harmony and peace in my environment.” These positive statements align your inner world with your desires, encouraging positive energy to flow into your outer world. It’s like giving your mind a Feng Shui makeover – no new curtains needed!

  3. Balance Your Energy – Just as Feng Shui aims to balance the energy in your home, it’s crucial to balance your personal energy. Pay attention to how different activities affect you. Are there tasks that drain you or people that leave you feeling depleted? On the other hand, what activities uplift and energize you? Make a conscious effort to incorporate more of the positive influences into your daily routine. Balancing your personal energy creates a harmonious inner world that radiates positivity into your external environment. It’s all about finding that perfect yin-yang balance within yourself because who doesn’t want to feel like a Zen master?

By focusing on these inner Feng Shui practices, you’ll find that your external world naturally begins to reflect the peace, clarity, and positivity you cultivate within.

So take a moment for yourself. Think about your inner world. As you align and nurture it, you’ll find that your outer world will naturally start to transform. Embrace this journey of inner exploration and watch as it brings clarity, energy, and inspiration to every part of your life. And who knows, you might even start enjoying cleaning those dishes!

Want to learn more about what internal blockages may be affecting your external environment? Let’s chat!

Without the right energy flow, nothing goes.

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