Why do I keep talking about physical and emotional health so much?

Yes, I’m a Feng Shui consultant, but there’s a deeper connection here.

To create a truly holistic and harmonious space, you have to include your emotional and physical well being. Imagine being in a gorgeous room when feeling stressed or sick – you can’t really enjoy it, can you? So you need to approach this from a few angles.

You can’t just rearrange your surroundings and expect lasting change. I know, *poof* goes your idea about Feng Shui!

Your habits, formed over your whole life, shapes the space around you. Without addressing your internal landscape, any changes you make may be just short term solutions. Eventually, the underlying issues could resurface.

That’s why, in my life and in my work with clients, we ALWAYS consider the internal space. Overwhelm, exhaustion, health issues, and anxiety aren’t just caused by your clutter or old mementos. It’s important to understand the energy that ties you to these things. Once you do, you can make real, lasting changes.

Parisians often scoff at the idea that Americans only get two weeks of vacation a year and sometimes don’t take any at all. In NYC, I struggled to balance everything – family, work, friends, aging parents and my personal goals. I was often sick and burned out.

Feng Shui and aging have taught me that without health, we have nothing. Managing your energy is the fastest path to your best health. It’s non-negotiable. If you let yourself get depleted, you’ll burn out or get sick. I know that intimately because that was my life.

So when you see me strolling through the streets of Paris, enjoying croissants, or attending fun events, it’s not a vacation or retirement. It’s my new way of living – finding balance and squeezing as much joy out of each moment that I can. Feng Shui is about aligning our internal and external environments. I needed to change my external world to nurture my much needed internal slower pace.

When our inner world is in harmony, achieving balance becomes so much easier.

Take time to check in with yourself. How is your energy? How is your health? Let’s start aligning your inner world, and your outer world will follow.

Without the right energy flow, nothing goes.

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