I was standing at the edge of this cliff, wondering if I would jump.
It happened at the Azure window (the Blue window), which is on the island of Gozo, right off the beautiful island of Malta.
Many people have jumped illegally from this location (disclaimer: I am NOT promoting this behavior but ONLY using it as an example!) and it got me thinking about the items on my Bucket List.
Fortunately, illegally jumping off of cliffs is not one of them.
While I was standing, admiring the beauty of this natural rock formation, it had me thinking about the bigger picture.
Specifically, what steps I was going to take to finish 2015 with a bang, while creating a solid foundation for big-time Bucket-Listing in 2016.
Since 2013, I have followed this end-of-year ritual that created some dramatic results in the upcoming year. If you are planning a quiet night at home, far away from Times Square, I would definitely recommend this powerful ritual as a way to set your intention for the New Year.
In the next 3 weeks, there are pre-steps that you can take to begin creating a foundation for the Fire Monkey who will be knocking on your door on February 8th, 2016.
Here are 3 ways to help close out 2015 in Feng Shui style:
1) Get high – It’s not what it sounds like. In quantum physics, everything is energy, including you. You know that it’s hard to get anything done when you’re feeling down, tired or uninspired. Your goal is to end the year on a high energetic level so that you can continue into 2016 with that uplifted vibration that sprouts from your 2015 actions. Think of it as a scoby, like in Kombucha.
Every day until Feb 7th, do what it takes to shift your energy to a higher vibration. Watch funny videos, visit with friends, dance to your favorite song, do a good deed, go for a run. Every day. By the time Chinese New Year rolls around, you’ll physically feel the cells in your body jumping for joy. That’s what we want.
2) Part Ways – I know many of you find this one to be very challenging. Excuse me for sounding like a broken record but, to bring in new energy, you need to create space for it. To create space (physical or energetic), you need to let go of what’s not working.
Walk around your home and be ruthless. Recycle, donate, trash any objects in your home that you don’t love or aren’t working. Feel happy when you are doing these tasks this because your intention for 2016 is to bring in something bigger and more awesome! Isn’t that FAB? Well, that is how you should feel when letting go. Who says letting go can’t be fun?
Pay special attention to the COMPLETION PART of your space – break out your handy-dandy Bagua map! Be sure that this area is clutter-free, beautiful, and a spot you absolutely love. Show the world that you know how to complete things. It’s only when the Universe sees that you can properly handle and complete projects, will it send new, awesome things your way. So get busy!

3) Get smart – Feb 8th is Year of the Fire Monkey, but, what the heck does that mean? For the Chinese, each Chinese New Year carries a very specific energy for each individual. Knowing what the Universe holds for you for that particular year can mean a make-it or break-it year. I kid you not.
You still have time to prepare for this dynamic Fire Monkey year that’s on its way!
Schedule a Chinese Astrology reading customized just for you! Book before Jan 31st and get the reduced price of $150 (regularly $200) PLUS a surprise gift!
Believe me, you won’t believe how just one reading will create such a large impact on your personal and professional life. Don’t believe me? Read what people are saying about their readings.

Your turn!
Share with us, how you are preparing to ring out your 2015. Would love to hear what your intentions are for 2016 and even your Bucket List!
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Have a great end of the year!