Bringing it all together for 2014. photo:

Ok, so New Year’s eve festivities are done and over. Now what?

This is where alot of us go Type A for about 3 weeks or so. But not for me this year. I am giving myself permission to slow down and reflect. Sure there’s stuff I would like to accomplish this year like everybody else, but I’m allowing myself time and space.

To welcome in the new year, I listened to this 16 minute guided mediation on “Opening up to receive Love and Abundance” led by author and love coach, Debra Berndt. Because you know, it’s all about love people, love.

Wear your heart on your sleeve. photo:

Even if you can’t sit still for long, I encourage you to listen to this meditation to the very end because it will be worth your time. Besides being a very relaxing meditation, it’s sprinkled with alot of knowledge and important things to bring our attention to. Some highlights are: descriptions on giving and receiving and how it ties into abundance, creating boundaries and balance, creating intention/goals, learn what is holding you back and helping open channels to receive and harness your creative power. Good stuff.

I would recommend that you listen to this meditation in a comfortable position, sitting in a chair or laying down on the floor. I wouldn’t suggest you get too comfortable because it’s so relaxing that the chances of falling asleep is high!

I know alot of you come to this blog looking for ways to Feng Shui your home and wonder why recently I have been speaking more about spirituality than your physical home. Well guess what? It’s all related.Our external world (our space) is an extension of our internal home (our bodies). It’s impossible to have one without the other. So it’s time to clean up our internal homes! So, slow down, listen, and enjoy relaxing into 2014.

Work on your internal home as much as your external home. photo:

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