Just because Valentine’s day is over doesn’t mean that Love is no longer in the air.
Not to sound trite or cheesy, but Love really is what makes the world go round.
I’m also not just talking about Romantic Love. Love also means with family, friends and the most important, Self-Love. All very necessary in our quest for wholeness and well-being.
It’s been said that when you are feeling Love, you cannot feel Fear.
They cannot co-exist at the same time.
And who wouldn’t want to put feelings like fear, anger, hate and all that mucky stuff on temporary pause?
You can even strive for a permanent pause if you learn how to cultivate Love in, and around you at all times.
Wondering how you do that? With Feng Shui of course.
Here are 5 different Feng Shui ways to cultivate LOVE in your life:
1. Put yourself in the Command Position – We all want to feel safe. If you feel like you are in danger or threatened in any way, feeling Love will be a challenge. Being in Command means from where you are eating, working or sleeping in your space, you have the view of the door of the room vs having your back to the door. Having no surprises allows your chi to settle and feel safe, showing yourself optimal self love. If you would like someone in your life to feel safe, be sure that you put them in Command Position.
2. Bring in Life – Living things embody chi and positive energy. Flowers in Feng Shui are powerful transformers of energy. Buy some flowers with a fragrance that you love and place them in the Relationship section of your bedroom. Chrysanthemums in Feng Shui are specifically used to bring Romantic Love into your life so see if you can find some pink ones to put by your bedside.
3. Use Visual Reminders – Feng Shui is all about intention. But it’s sometimes difficult to remember intentions no matter how committed we are. That is the reason in Feng Shui we place objects in certain areas. These visual cues help us to remember our intention which then lifts our chi. For Romantic Love, place objects in pairs in the Relationship area of your bedroom. If it’s Self-Love that you are striving for, place a rose quartz crystal in your Self Knowledge area of your bedroom to remind yourself of your goal.

4. Be here now – To be able to feel the full depth of Love, you must slow down, stop what you are doing and focus on the moment (and person) in front of you. Modern lifestyle and gadgets have us so distracted and not present in our bodies. Electronic gadgets can have a negative effect on our chi and overall health. If you cannot power down your devices to be available to yourself or another, designate a daily or even weekly time where you do not use your gadgets. At night, if you have a TV in your bedroom, cover it with a cloth to visually and energetically decrease the negative effect that it may have on you.
5. Move in Closer: Being in close physical contact creates intimacy which is important for feelings of Love and emotionally connection. For a Romantic relationship, sit with your partner and make contact whether it be through touch, eye contact or conversation. You can also sit in silence as long as there is some physical connection being made. Set the intention that the feelings of Love are abundant, seeing a red cord wrapped around you both, further empowering your connection.
For Self-Love, sitting quietly for just 10 minutes can create a profound connection within yourself. Envision yourself being enrobed by pink bright light, creating space for Love and connection with others.
Your turn!
Where would you like to cultivate more Love in your life? Let us know and share what Feng Shui tips you will use to start bringing that energy into your life!
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