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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Chinese Metaphysics is a little like going to the doctor. You have something that’s bugging you and you go to a professional looking for ways to feel better. In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools and are used quite often which is why I sometimes joke that you can hang a mirror and call me…

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Feeling Like a Scatterbrain?

Oh boy what a week I had last week. Besides almost every important planet being in retrograde (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto), it seems like all my projects either sped up or came to a screeching halt last week. Things that usually worked like a charm like Google decided to go haywire. Yes, Google!…

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Clean Up Your Act for the Monkey

I promised you that I would not make you clean like a crazy person. And I promise to stick to my promise. In the weeks preceding Chinese New Year, the tradition of cleaning your home is very important. It prepares your home (and life!) for the energy and bounty of the upcoming year. The “sweeping” action…

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Your Life Begins Today. Really. No, Really

Ok I lied.I told you that my newsletter was now monthly and if you follow me, I usually send them out really early on the 2nd Wed of the month. Today is Friday. Afternoon.What’s up?Something happened to me this week that couldn’t wait until next month.After I recorded the last vlog (if you missed it,…

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Start Living a Life of No Regrets

If you were on your deathbed today, what would be the number one thing you wished you had done in your life?I know, not a super cheery way to start a post, but I wanted to get your attention!Many of us wait for “later” or “one day” to do the things that we really want…

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Prepping Your Inner and Outer Homes for the Holidays

While the festive superficial bling is fun and endearing, what I really cherish is what’s underneath.

Festivities can bring up alot of mixed feelings and emotions.

Overwhelm, fatigue, the oh so familiar, “I-can’t-get-myself-off-the-couch-to-do-anything” feeling.

But being the optimist or activist as I am, I feel that this is the perfect time of year to face your “stuff” underneath and really see how things are working (or not) in your life.

Looking at and preparing your inner home especially as the year finishes out, will definitely help smoothly transition into the new year.

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Taking Advantage of the Winter Season

Winter is officially here. During the arctic dip, I tend to want to hibernate and sip hot chocolate near a fireplace, leaving home chores to warmer, springier months. Totally normal.

But there’s a secret I want to share with you.

It is possible to work on Feng Shui home improvement even when it’s cold outside.

That’s because every season in Feng Shui has its advantages.

In Feng Shui, we honor and incorporate seasons into energetic evaluations. That’s because Feng Shui is all about mimicking the perfection of Nature and what could be more natural than the 4 Seasons?

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Double Your Personal Success With Mirrors

So here’s the thing you need to know about mirrors. Mirrors are a BIG DEAL. Compared to what aspirin is to doctors, in Feng Shui, mirrors are sometimes considered the cure-all used as simple remedies for many things. But it’s much more profound than that.
The mirrors in your home are a mirror of your life. Let that sit with you a minute.

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Wk 1: Fall Cleanse – Your Piles vs You

Being a Feng Shui Consultant doesn’t make me virtuous nor immune to clutter. Last week I found myself staring at a pile of things that were – guess where – smack in the middle of my abundance area. A leaning tower of things I needed to get fixed or donate and all the in-betweens. Just…

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Oh Sunlight, Where Art Thou?

Some of you are beginning to get a bit freaked out that the sun is starting to set at 7:30pm.No more summer cocktails on the patio or fresh-air activities with the kids after work. This darkness makes us want to make a beeline to our caves (a.k.a beautifully Feng Shui-ed homes).I actually didn’t even pay any attention to this seasonal…

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